import concurrent.futures
import csv
import itertools
from concurrent.futures import as_completed
from functools import lru_cache
import geonamescache
import numpy as np
from geopy.distance import geodesic
MAX_DISTANCE = 20_037.5
gc = geonamescache.GeonamesCache()
cities = gc.get_cities()
us_cities = {
k: c
for k, c in cities.items()
if (c.get("countrycode") == "US") # & (c.get("population", 0) > 5e4)
def get_coordinates(city_name, country_code="US"):
Get the coordinates of a city.
city_name : str
The name of the city.
country_code : str, optional
The country code of the city, by default 'US'.
A tuple containing the latitude and longitude of the city,
or None if the city is not found.
search_results = gc.search_cities(city_name, case_sensitive=True)
search_results = {
k: c
for k, c in search_results.items()
if (c.get("countrycode") == country_code)
if not search_results:
return None
populations = [city.get("population") for city in search_results]
city = search_results[np.argmax(populations)]
return city.get("latitude"), city.get("longitude")
def get_distance(city1, city2, country1="US", country2="US"):
Get the distance between two cities in kilometers.
city1 : str
The name of the first city.
city2 : str
The name of the second city.
country1 : str, optional
The country code of the first city, by default 'US'.
country2 : str, optional
The country code of the second city, by default 'US'.
The distance between the two cities in kilometers,
or None if one or both city names were not found.
city1_coords = get_coordinates(city1, country1)
city2_coords = get_coordinates(city2, country2)
if (city1_coords is None) or (city2_coords is None):
return None
return geodesic(city1_coords, city2_coords).km
def calculate_distance(pair):
city1, city2 = pair
distance = get_distance(city1["name"], city2["name"])
return city1["name"], city2["name"], distance
def main():
cities = list(us_cities.values())
print(f"Num cities: {len(cities)}")
city_combinations = list(itertools.combinations(cities, 2))
with open("city_distances_full.csv", "w", newline="") as csvfile:
fieldnames = ["city_from", "city_to", "distance"]
writer = csv.DictWriter(csvfile, fieldnames=fieldnames)
executor = concurrent.futures.ProcessPoolExecutor(max_workers=8)
# results = executor.map(calculate_distance, city_combinations)
futures = {
executor.submit(calculate_distance, pair): pair
for pair in city_combinations
for future in as_completed(futures):
city_from, city_to, distance = future.result()
if distance is not None:
"city_from": city_from,
"city_to": city_to,
"distance": distance,
except KeyboardInterrupt:
print("Interrupted. Terminating processes...")
raise SystemExit("Execution terminated by user.")
if __name__ == "__main__":