import geonamescache
from geopy.distance import geodesic
gc = geonamescache.GeonamesCache()
cities = gc.get_cities()
us_cities = {k: c for k, c in cities.items() if c.get("countrycode") == "US"}
print(gc.search_cities("Jamaica"), "\n")
print(gc.search_cities("Manhattan"), "\n")
print("lengths:", len(cities), len(us_cities))
def get_coordinates(city_name, country_code="US"):
search_results = gc.search_cities(city_name, case_sensitive=True)
for city in search_results:
print(f"searching {city}")
possible_matches = city.get("alternatenames") + [city_name]
if city_name in possible_matches and city.get("countrycode") == country_code:
return city.get("latitude"), city.get("longitude")
return None
def get_distance(city1, city2, country1="US", country2="US"):
city1_coords = get_coordinates(city1, country1)
city2_coords = get_coordinates(city2, country2)
if (city1_coords is None) or (city2_coords is None):
return None
return geodesic(city1_coords, city2_coords).km
MAX_DISTANCE = 20_037.5
city1 = "New York"
city2 = "Jamaica"
country1 = "US"
country2 = "US"
distance = get_distance(city1, city2, country1, country2)
if distance is not None:
print(f"Distance between {city1} and {city2} is {distance:.2f} km.")
print("One or both city names were not found.")