import os import git import warnings import uvicorn import logging from fastapi import FastAPI from prometheus_client import Gauge from starlette_exporter import PrometheusMiddleware, handle_metrics from fastapi.middleware.cors import CORSMiddleware from .datatypes import Image from .queue import QueueData from .log_utils import Colors from .models import Credentials, WaitFor from .result_storage import ResultStorage from .config_wrapper import ConfigWrapper from .data_handlers import Encoder, Decoder from .threaded_server import ThreadedServer from .progress_tracker import fetch_progress_from_token from .log_utils import log_levels, celery_log_levels, PREFIX from .prometheus_utils import PrometheusMetrics from .utils import stop_everything_gracefully, generate_random_string from uvicorn.config import LOGGING_CONFIG """ Celery+redis is needed to be able to queue tasks """ from celery import Celery from .celery_utils import run_celery_app """ tool to allocate gpus on queued tasks """ from .gpu_allocator import GPUAllocator def host_block( block, port=8080, host="", max_num_workers=4, redis_port=6379, redis_host="localhost", requires_gpu=True, log_level="warning", logfile="logs.log", exclude_gpu_ids: list = [], remove_result_on_fetch = False ): """ Use this to host your eden.Block on a server. Supports multiple GPUs and queues tasks automatically with celery. Args: block (eden.block.Block): The eden block you'd want to host. port (int, optional): Localhost port where the block would be hosted. Defaults to 8080. host (str): specifies where the endpoint would be hosted. Defaults to ''. max_num_workers (int, optional): Maximum number of tasks to run in parallel. Defaults to 4. redis_port (int, optional): Port number for celery's redis server. Defaults to 6379. redis_host (str, optional): Place to host redis for `eden.queue.QueueData`. Defaults to localhost. requires_gpu (bool, optional): Set this to False if your tasks dont necessarily need GPUs. log_level (str, optional): Can be 'debug', 'info', or 'warning'. Defaults to 'warning' logfile(str, optional): Name of the file where the logs would be stored. If set to None, it will show all logs on stdout. Defaults to 'logs.log' exclude_gpu_ids (list, optional): List of gpu ids to not use for hosting. Example: [2,3] """ """ Response templates: /run: { 'token': some_long_token, } /fetch: if task is queued: { 'status': { 'status': queued, 'queue_position': int }, config: current_config } elif task is running: { 'status': { 'status': 'running', 'progress': float between 0 and 1, }, config: current_config, 'output': {} ## optionally the user should be able to write outputs here } elif task failed: { 'status': { 'status': 'failed', } 'config': current_config, 'output': {} ## will still include the outputs if any so that it gets returned even though the task failed } elif task succeeded: { 'status': { 'status': 'complete' }, 'output': user_output, 'config': config } """ """ Initiating celery app """ celery_app = Celery(__name__, broker=f"redis://{redis_host}:{str(redis_port)}") celery_app.conf.broker_url = os.environ.get( "CELERY_BROKER_URL", f"redis://{redis_host}:{str(redis_port)}" ) celery_app.conf.result_backend = os.environ.get( "CELERY_RESULT_BACKEND", f"redis://{redis_host}:{str(redis_port)}" ) celery_app.conf.task_track_started = os.environ.get( "CELERY_TRACK_STARTED", default=True ) celery_app.conf.worker_send_task_events = True celery_app.conf.task_send_sent_event = True """ each block gets its wown queue """ celery_app.conf.task_default_queue = """ set prefetch mult to 1 so that tasks dont get pre-fetched by workers """ celery_app.conf.worker_prefetch_multiplier = 1 """ task messages will be acknowledged after the task has been executed """ celery_app.conf.task_acks_late = True """ Initiating GPUAllocator only if requires_gpu is True """ if requires_gpu == True: gpu_allocator = GPUAllocator(exclude_gpu_ids=exclude_gpu_ids) else: print(PREFIX + " Initiating server with no GPUs since requires_gpu = False") if requires_gpu == True: if gpu_allocator.num_gpus < max_num_workers: """ if a task requires a gpu, and the number of workers is > the number of available gpus, then max_num_workers is automatically set to the number of gpus available this is because eden assumes that each task requires one gpu (all of it) """ warnings.warn( "max_num_workers is greater than the number of GPUs found, overriding max_num_workers to be: " + str(gpu_allocator.num_gpus) ) max_num_workers = gpu_allocator.num_gpus """ Initiating queue data to keep track of the queue """ queue_data = QueueData( redis_port=redis_port, redis_host=redis_host, ) """ Initiate encoder and decoder """ data_encoder = Encoder() data_decoder = Decoder() """ Initiate fastAPI app """ app = FastAPI() origins = ["*"] app.add_middleware( CORSMiddleware, allow_origins=origins, allow_credentials=True, allow_methods=["*"], allow_headers=["*"], ) app.add_middleware(PrometheusMiddleware) app.add_route("/metrics", handle_metrics) """ Initiate result storage on redis """ result_storage = ResultStorage( redis_host=redis_host, redis_port=redis_port, ) ## set up result storage and data encoder for block block.result_storage = result_storage block.data_encoder = data_encoder """ initiate a wrapper which handles 4 metrics for prometheus: * number of queued jobs * number of running jobs * number of failed jobs * number of succeeded jobs """ prometheus_metrics = PrometheusMetrics() """ define celery task """ @celery_app.task(name="run") def run(args, token: str): ## job moves from queue to running prometheus_metrics.queued.dec(1) args = data_decoder.decode(args) """ allocating a GPU ID to the tast based on usage for now let's settle for max 1 GPU per task :( """ if requires_gpu == True: # returns None if there are no gpus available gpu_name = gpu_allocator.get_gpu() else: gpu_name = None ## default value either if there are no gpus available or requires_gpu = False """ If there are no GPUs available, then it returns a sad message. But if there ARE GPUs available, then it starts run() """ if ( gpu_name == None and requires_gpu == True ): ## making sure there are no gpus available status = { "status": "No GPUs are available at the moment, please try again later", } else: """ refer: """ args = ConfigWrapper( data=args, token=token, result_storage=result_storage, gpu=None, ## will be provided later on in the run progress=None, ## will be provided later on in the run ) if requires_gpu == True: args.gpu = gpu_name if block.progress == True: """ if progress was set to True on decorator, then add a progress tracker into the config """ args.progress = block.get_progress_bar( token=token, result_storage=result_storage ) try: output = block.__run__(args) # job moves from running to succeeded prometheus_metrics.running.dec(1) # prevent further jobs from hitting a busy gpu after a caught exception except Exception as e: # job moves from running to failed prometheus_metrics.running.dec(1) if requires_gpu == True: gpu_allocator.set_as_free(name=gpu_name) raise Exception(str(e)) if requires_gpu == True: gpu_allocator.set_as_free(name=gpu_name) success = block.write_results(output=output, token=token) return success ## return None because results go to result_storage instead"/run") def start_run(config: block.data_model): ## job moves into queue """ refer: """ token = generate_random_string(len=10) kwargs = dict(args=dict(config), token=token) res = run.apply_async(kwargs=kwargs, task_id=token, initial_dict = {"config": dict(config), "output": {}, "progress": "__none__"} success = result_storage.add(token=token, encoded_results=initial_dict) response = {"token": token} return response"/update") def update(credentials: Credentials, config: block.data_model): token = credentials.token config = dict(config) status = queue_data.get_status(token=token) if status["status"] != "invalid token": if ( status["status"] == "queued" or status["status"] == "running" or status["status"] == "starting" ): output_from_storage = result_storage.get(token=token) output_from_storage["config"] = config success = result_storage.add( encoded_results=output_from_storage, token=token ) response = { "status": { "status": "successfully updated config", } } return response elif status["status"] == "failed": return { "status": { "status": "could not update config because job failed", } } elif status["status"] == "complete": return { "status": { "status": "could not update config because job is already complete", } } else: response = {"status": {"status": "invalid token"}} return response"/fetch") def fetch(credentials: Credentials): """ Returns either the status of the task or the result depending on whether it's queued, running, complete or failed. Args: credentials (Credentials): should contain a token that points to a task """ token = credentials.token status = queue_data.get_status(token=token) if status["status"] != "invalid token": if status["status"] == "running": results = result_storage.get(token=token) response = { "status": status, "config": results["config"], "output": results["output"], } if block.progress == True: progress_value = fetch_progress_from_token( result_storage=result_storage, token=token ) response["status"]["progress"] = progress_value elif status["status"] == "complete": results = result_storage.get(token=token) ## if results are deleted, it still returns the same schema if results == None and remove_result_on_fetch == True: response = { "status": { "status": "removed" }, } else: response = { "status": status, "config": results["config"], "output": results["output"], } if remove_result_on_fetch == True: result_storage.delete(token=token) elif ( status["status"] == "queued" or status["status"] == "starting" or status["status"] == "failed" or status["status"] == "revoked" ): results = result_storage.get(token=token) response = {"status": status, "config": results["config"]} else: response = {"status": status} ## invalid token return response"/stop") async def stop(wait_for: WaitFor): """ Stops the eden block, and exits the script Args: config (dict, optional): Amount of time in seconds before the server shuts down. Defaults to {'time': 0}. """"Stopping gracefully in {wait_for.seconds} seconds") stop_everything_gracefully(t=wait_for.seconds)"/get_identity") def get_identity(): """ Returns name and active commit hash of the generator """ try: repo = git.Repo(search_parent_directories=True) name = repo.remotes.origin.url.split('.git')[0].split('/')[-1] sha = repo.head.object.hexsha except git.exc.InvalidGitRepositoryError: name = "repo-less-eden" sha = "none" response = { "name": name, "commit": sha } return response ## overriding the boring old [INFO] thingy LOGGING_CONFIG["formatters"]["default"]["fmt"] = ( "[" + Colors.CYAN + "EDEN" + Colors.END + "] %(asctime)s %(message)s" ) LOGGING_CONFIG["formatters"]["access"]["fmt"] = ( "[" + Colors.CYAN + "EDEN" + Colors.END + "] %(levelprefix)s %(client_addr)s - '%(request_line)s' %(status_code)s" ) config = uvicorn.config.Config(app=app, host=host, port=port, log_level=log_level) server = ThreadedServer(config=config) # context starts fastAPI stuff and run_celery_app starts celery with server.run_in_thread(): message = ( PREFIX + " Initializing celery worker on: " + f"redis://localhost:{str(redis_port)}" ) print(message) ## starts celery app run_celery_app( celery_app, max_num_workers=max_num_workers, loglevel=celery_log_levels[log_level], logfile=logfile,, ) message = PREFIX + " Stopped" print(message)